Admin Commands | |
db!announce | Sends an announcement in the specified channel Usage: db!announce <#channel> <message> [--noembed] [--thumbnail] |
db!blacklist | Control the blacklisted words on your server Note: People that have the kick members permission will bypass the blacklist Usage: db!blacklist <list/clear/import/add/remove> [word] |
db!customcommand | Create, edit and delete custom commands Usage: db!customcommand <list/new/edit/raw/delete> [name] [text] Aliases: db!cc, db!customcommands |
db!lockemote | Lock an emote to some roles. _Please note that you can't use the emote anymore if you don't have any of the specified roles, even if you have administrator permission_ Usage: db!lockemote <emote> <@role...> |
db!settings | Shows the current settings for this server Usage: db!settings [item] [--set value] Aliases: db!setting, db!options |
db!unlockemote | Unlocks an emote if it was locked Usage: db!unlockemote <emote> |
db!vcautorole | Gives a role to a user when they join a specified voice channel Usage: db!vcautorole <add/remove/off/list> [voice channel] [@role] |
Animal Commands | |
db!alpaca | Shows an alpaca Usage: db!alpaca |
db!bird | Shows a bird Usage: db!bird Aliases: db!birb |
db!cat | Shows a cat Usage: db!cat Aliases: db!kitty |
db!dog | Shows a dog Usage: db!dog |
db!llama | Shows a llama Usage: db!llama |
db!seal | Shows a seal Usage: db!seal Aliases: db!zeehond |
Fun Commands | |
db!8ball | Ask a question to magic the 8ball Usage: db!8ball <question> |
db!achievement | You got an achievement! Usage: db!achievement <text> |
db!advice | Gives some advice Usage: db!advice |
db!blackandwhite | Overlays a blackandwhite filter over the provided image Usage: db!blackandwhite [image url] |
db!blur | Overlays a blur filter over the provided image Usage: db!blur [image url] |
db!captcha | Checks if you are a robot Usage: db!captcha <text> |
db!chat | Have a chat with DuncteBot Usage: db!chat <message> |
db!coffee | Shows a random cup of coffee Usage: db!coffee Aliases: db!coderjuice |
db!coin | Flips a coin Usage: db!coin Aliases: db!coinflip, db!cf |
db!color | Shows a random color Usage: db!color Aliases: db!colour |
db!crash | Crashes the bot Usage: db!crash |
db!csshumor | Sends a css-related joke Usage: db!csshumor Aliases: db!cssjoke |
db!deepfry | Overlays a deepfry filter over the provided image Usage: db!deepfry [image url] |
db!delet | Delet this Usage: db!delet Aliases: db!deletthis, db!deletethis |
db!dialog | Displays a confirmation dialog Usage: db!dialog <text> |
db!didyoumean | Did you type your search wrong? Usage: db!didyoumean <top text>|<bottom text> |
db!discordmeme | Shows a discord meme Usage: db!discordmeme Aliases: db!dmeme, db!discordmemes, db!dmemes |
db!drake | Generates the drake meme format Usage: db!drake <top text>|<bottom text> Aliases: db!ddrake, db!dddrake |
db!everyone | Useful for when everyone is being pinged again Usage: db!everyone |
db!explosm | Generates a random comic using the Random Comic Generator on Usage: db!explosm Aliases: db!explosmrcg, db!rcg |
db!facts | Show people the facts Usage: db!facts <text> |
db!flip | Flips someone upside down Usage: db!flip [@user/text] |
db!freerealestate | It's free real estate Usage: db!freerealestate <text> |
db!invert | Overlays a invert filter over the provided image Usage: db!invert [image url] |
db!iwanttodie | You have decided that you want to die Usage: db!iwanttodie <text> |
db!joke | See a funny joke. Dad's love them! Usage: db!joke |
db!jokeoverhead | You just got wooshed Usage: db!jokeoverhead [@user/url] Aliases: db!woosh |
db!kpop | Gives you a random kpop member, command suggestion by Exa Usage: db!kpop [search term] |
db!loadingbar | Displays a progress bar that shows how much of the year has passed Usage: db!loadingbar Aliases: db!progress, db!progressbar, db!lb |
db!meme | See a funny meme Usage: db!meme |
db!oldest | Shows the oldest member in the server Usage: db!oldest |
db!orly | Shows a random O Rly image from @ThePracticalDev on twitter Usage: db!orly |
db!pixelate | Overlays a pixelate filter over the provided image Usage: db!pixelate [image url] |
db!salty | Someones being salty today Usage: db!salty [@user/url] |
db!saturate | Overlays a saturate filter over the provided image Usage: db!saturate [image url] |
db!ship | Ship two people and get their love score Usage: db!ship <@user> <@user> Aliases: db!love, db!loveship |
db!shit | Exclaim that something is shit Usage: db!shit <text> [--plural] Aliases: db!pluralshit |
db!tag | Stores some text for later usage Tags follow the same parsing as custom commands and the join/leave messages Usage: db!tag <tag-name/raw/author/delete/create/help> [tag-name] [tag content] Aliases: db!pasta, db!tags, db!t |
db!trash | Call someone trash Usage: db!trash <@user> |
db!ttb | Converts your text into emoji bricks Usage: db!ttb <text> |
db!xkcd | Sends the latest xkcd comic Usage: db!xkcd [latest/random/number] |
db!yoda | Convert your input to how Yoda speaks Usage: db!yoda <your sentence> |
db!youngest | Shows the youngest member in the server Usage: db!youngest |
Lgbtq+ Commands | |
db!flag | Overlay your profile picture with a pride flag Usage: db!flag <flag/list> [@user] |
db!pronounscheck | Check someones pronouns Pronouns can be set via db!setpronouns Usage: db!pronounscheck [@user] Aliases: db!pronouns |
db!setpronouns | Set your pronouns for people can check them with db!pronounscheck Usage: db!setpronouns <pronouns> [--plural] |
Main Commands | |
db!avatar | Shows your avatar or the one for the specified user Usage: db!avatar [@user] Aliases: db!av, db!pfp, db!picture, db!profilepicture |
db!botinfo | Displays some information about the bot Usage: db!botinfo Aliases: db!about, db!support, db!bi, db!info |
db!changelog | Shows the latest changelog from the bot Usage: db!changelog |
db!cookie | blobnomcookie Usage: db!cookie |
db!donate | Help to keep the bot online by donating Usage: db!donate |
db!enlarge | Make an emote, avatar or sticker bigger Usage: db!enlarge [emote/@user] |
db!fakeword | Shows a random word generated by an AI Usage: db!fakeword Aliases: db!word, db!randomword, db!randomfakeword |
db!guildinfo | Shows some stats about the server Usage: db!guildinfo Aliases: db!serverinfo, db!server, db!guild, db!gi, db!si |
db!help | Sends you a list of all the commands Usage: db!help [command/category] Aliases: db!commandlist, db!commands, db!cmds, db!h |
db!insta | Shows the latest picture on someones instagram account Usage: db!insta <username> Aliases: db!instagram |
db!invite | Gives you the bot invite link Usage: db!invite |
db!issue | Reports heavy and weird issues to the developers. This will create an invite to your server, so we can join and help you directly. Those issues are hard to explain / resolve if we can't see nor read the chat or other things that happen. Usage: db!issue <issue json> (issue can be generated at`Aliases: db!bug, db!bugreport |
db!kickme | Kicks you off the server Usage: db!kickme |
db!ping | Shows the delay from the bot to the discord servers Usage: db!ping |
db!quote | Shows an inspiring quote Usage: db!quote |
db!reminders | Shows the reminders that are currently active for you and allows you to manage your reminders Usage: db!reminders [list/cancel/delete/show/info] [reminder id] Aliases: db!remindmanager, db!reminder |
db!reverse | Reverses a string Usage: db!reverse <text> |
db!roleinfo | Displays info about a specified role or the highest role that you have Usage: db!roleinfo [@role] Aliases: db!role, db!ri |
db!roles | Returns a list of roles on the server Usage: db!roles |
db!serverjoins | Shows a graph with the joins for this server. This is not a full history as it only looks at the members that are currently in the server. Usage: db!serverjoins |
db!shorten | Shortens a link Usage: db!shorten <link> Aliases: db!short, db!url, db!bitly, db!googl |
db!spam | What do you think 😏 Usage: db!spam |
db!suggest | Suggest a new feature for DuncteBot! Usage: db!suggest |
db!trigger | Use when you are triggered. Usage: db!trigger |
db!unshorten | Gets the long url from a shortened url Usage: db!unshorten <short url> |
db!uptime | Shows the bot's uptime Usage: db!uptime |
db!userinfo | Get some information about yourself or from another user Usage: db!userinfo [@user] Aliases: db!user, db!i, db!whois, db!ui, db!retrieveuserinfo |
db!vote | Gives some links where you can upvote the bot Usage: db!vote Aliases: db!upvote |
db!wam | you need more WAM! Usage: db!wam |
db!website | Shows the bots website Usage: db!website |
db!yesno | Chooses between yes or no Usage: db!yesno |
Mod Commands | |
db!autobanbypass | Prevent a user to be auto banned when they join (one time use) Usage: db!autobanbypass <user id> |
db!ban | Bans a user from the server (THIS WILL DELETE MESSAGES) Usage: db!ban <@user> [-r Reason] [--nodel] Aliases: db!dabon, db!naenae |
db!cleanup | Performs a purge in the channel where the command is run. To clear an entire channel it's better to use db!purgechannel Usage: db!cleanup [amount/cancel] [--keep-pinned] [--bots-only] Aliases: db!clear, db!purge, db!wipe |
db!dehoist | De-hoists a user Usage: db!dehoist <@user> |
db!hackban | Ban a user before they can join your server. Usage: db!hackban <userId...> [-r reason] |
db!kick | Kicks a user from the server Usage: db!kick <@user> [-r reason] Aliases: db!yeet |
db!mute | Mutes a user in the server Usage: db!mute <@user> [-r reason] |
db!purgechannel | Purges an entire text channel Usage: db!purgechannel <#channel> |
db!purgeuser | Purges the last 200 messages of a user Usage: db!purgeuser <@user> |
db!slowmode | Sets the slowmode in the current channel Usage: db!slowmode <seconds (0-21600)/off> Aliases: db!sm |
db!softban | Kicks a user from the server (THIS WILL DELETE MESSAGES) Usage: db!softban <@user> [-r reason] |
db!tempban | Temporally bans a user from the server (THIS WILL DELETE MESSAGES) Usage: db!tempban <@user> <time><w/d/h/m/s> [-r Reason] |
db!tempmute | Temporally mutes a user in the server, this will override any existing tempmutes for the user Usage: db!tempmute <@user> <time><w/d/h/m/s> [-r reason] |
db!unban | Removes the ban for a user Usage: db!unban <user> [-r reason] Aliases: db!ban't, db!pardon |
db!unmute | Removes the mute of a user if they are muted Usage: db!unmute <@user> [-r reason] |
db!unwarn | Removes the latest warning of a user in this server Usage: db!unwarn <@user> |
db!voicekick | Kicks a user from the voice channel that they are in Usage: db!voicekick <@user/voice channel> |
db!warn | Warns a user When a user has reached 3 warnings they will be kicked from the server Usage: db!warn <@user> [-r reason] |
db!warnings | Shows the active warnings that a member has Usage: db!warnings <@user> |
Music Commands | |
db!bassboost | Sets the bass boost on the music player Usage: db!bassboost <high/med/low/off> Aliases: db!bb, db!baseboost |
db!forcedisconnect | Force disconnects the bot from music for when the bot is stuck Usage: db!forcedisconnect Aliases: db!forceleave |
db!forceskip | Force skips the current track Usage: db!forceskip [skip count] Aliases: db!modskip |
db!join | Makes the bot join the voice channel that you are in. Usage: db!join Aliases: db!summon, db!connect |
db!leave | Makes the bot leave the current voice channel Usage: db!leave Aliases: db!disconnect, db!exit, db!fuckoff |
db!list | Shows the current queue Usage: db!list Aliases: db!queue, db!q |
db!load | Loads the given playlist file The playlist can be exported with db!save Usage: db!load |
db!lyrics | Search for song lyrics or show the ones for the currently playing song Usage: db!lyrics [song name] |
db!nowplaying | Prints information about the currently playing song (title, current time) Usage: db!nowplaying Aliases: db!np, db!song |
db!pause | Pauses the current song Usage: db!pause Aliases: db!resume |
db!play | Plays a song on the bot or adds it to the queue Usage: db!play [url/search term] |
db!playrw | Plays a song on the bot or adds it to the queue Usage: db!playrw [url/search term] |
db!pplay | Adds a playlist to the queue Usage: db!pplay <playlist url> |
db!radio | Stops all currently playing music and starts a radio station Usage: db!radio <(full)list/station name> Aliases: db!pstream, db!stream, db!webstream, db!webradio |
db!readd | Adds the currently playing track to the end of the queue Usage: db!readd |
db!repeat | Makes the player repeat the currently playing song Usage: db!repeat [playlist/status] Aliases: db!loop |
db!restart | Start the current track from the beginning Usage: db!restart |
db!save | Saves a playlist into a file with can be loaded with db!load Usage: db!save |
db!search | Search for a song to play Usage: db!search <search term> |
db!seek | Seek in the currently playing track Usage: db!seek <minutes:seconds> / db!seek [-]<seconds> Aliases: db!jump, db!jumpto, db!jp |
db!shuffle | Shuffles the current queue Usage: db!shuffle |
db!skip | Skips the current track Usage: db!skip Aliases: db!next, db!nexttrack, db!skiptrack |
db!stop | Stops the music Usage: db!stop |
db!volume | Sets the volume on the music player Usage: db!volume [volume] |
Nsfw Commands | |
db!carsandhentai | Delet this Usage: db!carsandhentai |
db!hentai | Just some hentai Usage: db!hentai |
db!lewdkitsune | Shows you a lewd kitsune Usage: db!lewdkitsune |
db!lewdneko | Gives a very lewd neko Usage: db!lewdneko |
db!urban | Searches the urban dictionary Usage: db!urban <search term> |
Patron Commands | |
db!clint | Shows a picture of Clint staring at something on a monitor. Usage: db!clint [image url] |
db!delete | Creates a delete button Usage: db!delete <text> |
db!image | Searches for an image on google Usage: db!image <search term> |
db!linus | Shows a picture of Linus pointing to something on a monitor. Usage: db!linus [@user/url] |
db!pccheck | Your pc needs to be checked, but for what? Usage: db!pccheck <text> |
db!pornhub | Generates a pornhub logo Usage: db!pornhub <text1>|<text2> |
db!screenshot | Screenshots a website Usage: db!screenshot <webpage url> |
db!scroll | The scroll of truth Usage: db!scroll <text> |
db!thesearch | Go on a journey to find intelligent life Usage: db!thesearch <text> |
Utils Commands | |
db!alpha | Ask Wolfram|Alpha all your geeky questions Usage: db!alpha <query> Aliases: db!wolfram, db!wa, db!wolframalpha |
db!emote | Shows information about an emoji or emote Usage: db!emote <emote> Aliases: db!emoji |
db!remind | Creates a reminder for you, add --channel to remind you in the current channelUsage: db!remind <reminder> -t <number><w/d/h/m/s> Aliases: db!remindme |
db!shardinfo | Get information about all things shards Usage: db!shardinfo Aliases: db!shards |
db!stats | Shows statistics about the bot Usage: db!stats |
db!testtag | Test your jagtag format before you save it as custom command etc. Usage: db!testtag <JagTag syntax> Aliases: db!tt |
db!token | Deconstructs a token to get as much information as possible from it Usage: db!token <token of a discord bot> |
db!translate | Translate a text from English to another language Usage: db!translate <destination language> <text> |
Weeb Commands | |
db!b1nzy | Shows a b1nzy meme Usage: db!b1nzy |
db!dance | Do a little dance Usage: db!dance |
db!hug | Hug a user Usage: db!hug |
db!lewd | Someone's being a bit lewd Usage: db!lewd |
db!lick | Lick someone Usage: db!lick |
db!megumin | EXPLOSION!!!!! Usage: db!megumin |
db!owo | OwO what's this Usage: db!owo |
db!pat | Pat someone Usage: db!pat |
db!punch | Punch someone in their face Usage: db!punch |
db!shoot | Shoot someone Usage: db!shoot |
db!shrug | ¯\\_(ツ)\_/¯ Usage: db!shrug |
db!weeb | Gives you a random image from with that type Usage: db!weeb <category> |